Careful Selection: We start by carefully selecting an investment property, which we then divide into smaller lots.
Listing on the Platform: These lots are listed on our platform for interested investors like you.
Purchase: You have the opportunity to purchase one or more of these lots following the rules and guidelines set by our platform.
Client Target: Once we reach the target number of clients for a particular property, we proceed to acquire the property in Dubai. This process is time-limited, typically completed within two months. If, for any reason, the acquisition doesn't happen, you will receive a full refund.
Assignment Agreement: After the property is purchased in Dubai, we individually sign an assignment agreement with each investor based on the lot they've purchased. This agreement assigns specific rights to our clients, allowing direct interaction with the developer if needed. This additional client protection ensures transparency.
Construction and Profit: We patiently wait for the construction of the property to be completed, and when the time is right, we share the profits with our clients.
One crucial point to note is that your share of the facility remains in your ownership, providing a level of security that surpasses traditional unit purchases where you may not have direct ownership of the property.